Hello World
Hi! Welcome to the Security Misconceptions Project blog! We will be updating this blog regularly to celebrate our successes, talk about our processes, air our grievances, and ponder our questions -- we invite you to join us. It'd probably be a good idea to read the about page to get a better idea of what we're trying to do. So, what's the status? Well, our current objectives this week are to get everything set up -- eliminating all the lorem ipsum from this blog, putting the finishing touches on our survey, and compiling the list of experts we plan to survey. The goal is to meet with our evaluator from the Education department (possibly to be introduced on this blog soon) who will give everything the once-over before we officially get underway. Stay tuned, the next couple weeks we should be blogging about the process of creating the survey, as well as the process of finding people to actually send it to.